Letter: Unionist dinosaurs have had their day

THE news that John Reid might be asked to lead the unionist charge against independence (News, 12 June) is surely good news for all who wish to see Scotland a sovereign nation once again.

If Mr Reid is the best British Bulldog in the unionist kennel then Alex Salmond is correct when he predicts that independence is "inevitable".

John Reid belongs to a past generation of unionist politicians who conspired to keep Scotland in the union for their own self-glorification. The First Minister recently described Michael Forsyth as a political "dinosaur", he was right; Reid, Rifkind and Forsyth have had their day. It's now time for the people of Scotland to throw off the shackles of 19th and 20th-century unionism and embrace their right to build a new Scotland.

Bill Cruickshank, Dinnet, Aberdeenshire