Compact crossword - The Scotsman 23/09/15

Wednesday’s puzzle


7 Hard up (4)

8 Oriental (anag) (8)

9 In good time (5)

10 Narrowing (7)

12 24 hours (3)

13 After birth (9)

16 Flower with a spicy smell (5,4)

17 Definite article (3)

19 Forenoon (7)

21 Behind (5)

23 Recently acquired (5-3)

24 Track (4)


1 Never (3,2,3)

2 Genuinely (5)

3 Snoop (3)

4 Howling (9)

5 Dry wind in Aegean (7)

6 Midday (4)

11 Constituent part (9)

14 Acrobatic (8)

15 Ironing (7)

18 Previously (5)

20 Evil giant (4)

22 Bird of prey (3)

Grid C

Tuesday’s solution

Across: 1 Budgerigar, 8 Strewed, 9 Argil, 10 Ibex, 11 Bali, 12 Tab, 14 Nestle, 15 Member, 18 Tub, 20 Apex, 21 Slot, 23 Okapi, 24 Proviso, 25 Downstream.

Down: 1 Borders, 2 Down, 3 Endear, 4 Imagines, 5 Argot, 6 Assignation, 7 Elaboration, 13 Alsatian, 16 Belgium, 17 Despot, 19 Beano, 22 Cope.

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